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Welcome to Code Babel!

We are very passionate about technology and sharing our experiences to the outside world. This blog is a perfect platform for us to achieve that.

Our aim is to research and explore current technologies and share our adventures with everyone

Although it is a technical blog, we want the articles to be simple, easy and practical.

Meet our Team:

Ravindranath Barathy

I am a DevOps Engineer, an amateur photographer, and an aspiring blogger. I specialize in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment tools and processes and enjoy writing about them in my spare time. If I am not by my computer, you can probably find me fiddling with my camera trying to get a decent shot.

I believe in the famous quote “What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven’t learned is the size of the world“. Being an author on Code Babel helps me to share whatever handful I have learned so far.

I hope my articles interest you. See you guys in the comment section!

Kaviya Kulothungan

Have you ever been that person who knows that your code is working perfectly, but somehow your curiosity makes you want to try different things just to see what happens, leading you in trouble’s path? That is exactly how I would describe myself as! 🙂 And yeah, I am a perfectionist with a procrastinator complex.

My technical experience as a DevOps Engineer in a reputed organization helped me to realize that the way to learn more is by sharing the knowledge.

Being an author on the Code Babel blog is a perfect opportunity for me to explore, try and learn different tools and share that learning and experience with others.

I want to write articles that are simple and easy to follow. Having said that, I hope you will enjoy reading my articles.

I look forward to reading your comments.

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